Hummer Limo

Warning: Once you have ridden the hummer you wont be happy with any other form of transportation! Now you have arrived to Budapest, what is a better way to start the weekend than roll in style? This  11 meters long monster  is aching to get the party started. Watch the look of envy as you hit Budapest and wait there is more, a hot stripper  will wait in the car and start the show once the wheels start rolling. Guaranteed to put a smile on the face of everyone and this is just the beginning…

If you like what you see but need something more intimidating, try our Hummer Limo

Mit tartalmaz

  • minden felszerelést
  • 1 óra játékot

Minimum csoport létszám

  • 4 fő


  • 1 óra 

Amennyiben kisebb csoporttal érkezik Budapestre, ne habozzon kapcsolatba lépni velünk és olyan ajánlatot teszünk, amit nem utasíthat vissza!


    Üres a kosárVissza a bolthoz